Pro-Loc's enclosed mechanism prevents monkeys or humans from opening without the necessary key. Animals stay securely locked inside their enclosures, preventing injury and damage. Made entirely of stainless steel, Pro-Loc has no sharp edges or cables to become frayed and prick either the animal or caretaker. Pro-Loc for Secure-Key is human secure and the Secure-Key can only be purchased from B.E.M. Pro-Loc for Hex Key comes with an inexpensive, standard Hex-Key so lost keys may be readily replaced either from B.E.M. or the nearest hardware store. B.E.M.'s Pro-Loc is the only completely stainless steel padlock available, and is the lowest cost, most monkey secure primate lock on the market.
Also, available is our Cage Lock Adaptor to allow the Pro-Loc to be used on latches that require a smaller shackle than Pro-Loc's 5/16" diameter. The Adaptor also works great on difficult to lock cage doors and bars. The Cage Lock Adaptor is available in two sizes: 1/4" and 3/16" rod diameters.
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